+91 9633297828 puthenchira - Thrissur


Therapy 1

Elbow Stiffness

- Can't straighten elbow less than 30°&bend more than 120°


- Electrotherapy
- Heat therapy

Therapeutic Exercise

- Elbow extension stretch
- Elbow flexion stretch
- AROM exercises


- Manual therapy

Therapy 2

Elbow Sprain

- Pain during movement or throwing
- Pain in medial aspect of elbow
- History of throwing or smashing

Special Test

- Valgus stress test


- PRICE Protocol
- P-Protection
- R-rest
- I-ice
- C-compression
- E-elevation

Therapeutic Exercise

- Sleepers stretch
- Resisted external rotation of shoulder
- Thoracic rotation on Quadripod
- Hip extensor strengthening

Therapy 3

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome

- Pain, numbness, tingling, weakness, down the pinky side of for arm
- Caused by the compression of ulnar nerve

Special Test

- Palpation


- Ulnar nerve glide

Therapy 4


- Lateral elbow pain/lateral epicondylitis
- Sharp pain at the outside of elbow
- Pain on gripping
- Pain on repetitive forceful use of hand

Special Test

- Mith test


- Rest
- Ice
- Ultrasound

Therapeutic Exercise

- Soft tissue massage
- Isometrics to elbow extensors
- Joint mobilization
- Quadripod forward rocking
- Prone lift off