+91 9633297828 puthenchira - Thrissur

Lumbar Spine

Therapy 1

Lumbar spinal stenosis

- Narrowing of spinal canal
- Pain during standing and walking
- Relived during sitting


- Electrotherapy
- Dry needling
- Mechanical traction

Therapeutic Exercise

- Aerobic excersise
- Lumbar rotation stretch
- Double knee to chest
- Quadripod thoracic extension on elbow
- Hip flexor stretch
- Bridges

Manual Therapy

- Sacro- iliac joint mobilization
- Spinal joint mobilization
- Manual traction

Therapy 2

Lumbar disc prolapse

- Typically presents on low back
- Refers to buttocks, thighs, leg,
- Worsens with flexion activities like sitting and bending

Special Test

- Quadrant test
- Straight leg raise


- Electrotherapy
- Dry needling
- Myofacial release
- Mechanical traction

Therapeutic Exercise

- Mckenzie therapy -directional preference exercises
- Mini squat
- Static bicycle

Manual Therapy

- Spinal joint mobilization
- Sacro-iliac joint mobilization
- Manual traction

Therapy 3

Lower cross syndrome

- Result of muscle strength imbalance
- Tightness or over activity of hip flexors and lumbar extensors
- Weakness of abdominal muscles and gluteus muscles
- Presents as joint pain
- Breathing problems

Special Test

- Thomas test
- Straight leg raise
- Piriformis test


- Electrotherapy
- Ultrasound
- Dry needling

Therapeutic Exercise

- Iliopsoas stretch
- Erector spinae stretch
- Core stabilization exercise
- Postural re education

Manual Therapy

- S-I joint mobilization
- Spinal joint mobilization