+91 9633297828 puthenchira - Thrissur

Monthly Baby Milestone

1 Month

- Recognize faces
- Moves head side to side
- Brings hand within range of eyes and mouth

2 Month

- Smile
- Follow things with eyes
- Self sucking hands
- Hold head up when lying on tummy
- Arm & leg movement

3 Month

- Different types of cries for different things eg:hunger, pain, diaper change
- Turns head in the direction of sound
- Enjoy playing with people

4 Month

- Copies facial expressions
- Reaches for the toys with hand
- Prone on elbow

5 Month

- Rolling
- Loves to look himself in the mirror
- Explore toys with mouth

6 Month

- Creeping on floor
- Sitting unsupported
- Passes things to one hand to other
- Understand simple words and respond according to it

7 Month

- Enjoy dropping things on floor
- Play simple games
- Responds to'NO'

8 Month

- Begins to crawling
- Hand on holding something
- Pincer gripping

9 Month

- Make favorite toys
- Lot of different sounds eg: mama, bababa
- Use fingers to point at things

10 Month

- Explore things by banging, shaking, throwing
- Pull to stand in supported
- Stand to sitting without help
- Start to feeding himself

11 Month

- Crawls upstairs
- Develop separation anxiety
- Start to make a speech with different sound tone

12 Month

- Make a statement eeg'No’with head movement, bye bye with hands Mama, daddy
- Use things correctly
- Eg:drink from cup, Brushes hair
- Standing unsupported
- May take a few steps supported